Theorem of Joy
Theorem of Joy

Debut album

Theorem Of Joy

Thomas Julienne : Uprigth bass – Compositions – Artistic direction
Ellinoa : Vocals
Heloïse Lefebvre : Violon Live
Antonin Fresson : Guitar
Tom Peyron : Drum


Debut album - Theorem of joy

«We are then deeply entering a world of chiaroscuro, in a sort of primitive forest of great beauty. But also one can feel, right away, the extreme amount of work which has probably taken hold of all the musicians that are part of the project. “Sophistication” and “originality” are joining forces to obtain a fascinating music in each and every moment.»
Note de Jazz / Michel Arcens

«Theorem of Joy offers you a jazz whose colors are simultaneously vibrant, oriental and classical at the same time; with pop-rock reflections and a discrete yet fatal charm of those masters who know how to disappear behind their artwork. Essential, simply “essential …”!»
Paris Move Thierry Ilene

«A very unique album, thoroughly elaborated, which navigates between the best of the progressive rock, jazz and a (very) sophisticated kind of pop music. The instrumental ensemble formed by the guests do justice to a dense and beautiful writing, influenced by the beginning of the 20th century, and which is not taking the easy way out of the genre. The lyricism of the writing is indisputable, mastered but not constrained. In all it’s a success, an ambitious project which fully reached its potential.»
DNJ / Xavier Prévost

released on 10.26.2019

Label : Collectif Déluge
Mixing : Cyrille Gachet
Mastering : Globe Audio – Alexis Bardinet
Studio : Midi Live
Publishing : Music Box – Thierry Durepaire
Press : Dominique Abdesselam
Photos : Alexandre Dupeyron
Graphics : Nicolas Delbourg
Album graphic editing : Nicolas Catherin

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